See how we redesigned this website with Namecheap’s EasyWP and Brizy

See how we redesigned this website with Namecheap's EasyWP and Brizy

Welcome to the “Reboot My Site” project from Namecheap, where we are taking old and outdates websites, and giving them a fresh new redesign so that they can convert more customers. In this video, we are taking a closer look at how we redesigned an old website of a small moving company from Utah.

The homepage UX needed several improvements: a better value proposition, so that site visitors could see what the company does at first glance; a new call to actions for the “Book now” button that would lead to a better booking page; a new hero image and an upgraded review section.

The idea was to make navigation as simple as possible. The old website had too many pages that weren’t needed. That’s why we ended up with three pages on the new site.
Here is what our plan for the new website looked like:

– Build a brand new WordPress website using Namecheap’s low-cost Mananged WordPress hosting EasyWP and the Brizy website builder plugin;
– Keep the established domain name –;
– Keep the recognizable brand colors – orange and grey;
– Keep the idea behind the logo BUT bring it up-to-date & change everything else.

Find out more about the “Reboot My Site” program:
NOTE: Namecheap is currently not accepting new applications from website owners that want to win a reboot. The new wave of submissions will be announced soon. So stay tuned!

More about EasyWP:
More about Brizy:

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