How to complete the DCV process for an SSL using the CNAME method

How to complete the DCV process for an SSL using the CNAME method

In this how-to, you’ll learn how to pass the process using the ‘Add a CNAME record’ validation method if your domain is using BasicDNS, PremiumDNS, FreeDNS, or web-hosting nameservers. Below are the useful articles for your reference: How to activate…

How to complete the DCV process for an SSL Certificate using the HTTP method

How to complete the DCV process for an SSL Certificate using the HTTP method

In this video, we’ll show you how to complete the DCV process for SSL using the ‘Upload a validation file’ (HTTP-based) method. Once uploaded, the validation file should be accessible via this link: or if you already have…

How to create an EasyWP website using a free domain from EasyWP

How to create an EasyWP website using a free domain from EasyWP

In this how-to we will show how to create an EasyWP website using a free domain from EasyWP. Below are some useful tutorials for your reference: How to create a WordPress site How to change the domain for a…

How to create a URL redirect in cPanel

How to create a URL redirect in cPanel

This video shows how to create a URL redirect in cPanel. Below are some useful articles for your reference. How to create a site/domain redirect in cPanel: cPanel documentation on Redirects: Types of Domain Redirects – 301, 302…

How to renew an expired domain name

How to renew an expired domain name

In this how-to, we will show how to reactivate a domain name that has already expired but is still located in your Namecheap account. The list of ccTLDs can be found here: Conditions of different ccTLDs renewal: Here’s…

How to transfer a domain name to Namecheap

How to transfer a domain name to Namecheap

In this how-to, you’ll learn how to transfer your domain name from another Registrar to Namecheap. You can check who is your current Registrar and to what nameservers your domain is connected right now using this online checker: Here’s…

How to Set Up Your Domain for Emails at Hostinger

How to Set Up Your Domain for Emails at Hostinger

Find out how to set up your domain for using emails at Hostinger. Get Premium Shared Hosting with Hostinger 👉 💥 Use the discount code HA10 to get 10% OFF! Want to know how to set up your domain…

What is DNS | Domain Name System | Explained

What is DNS | Domain Name System | Explained

Start your WordPress website with Hostinger web hosting 👉 💥 Use discount code HA10 to get 10% OFF! In this Hostinger Academy tutorial, you will learn about what DNS is and how it works. We will also dive deeper…

How to add a DKIM record for a domain in Namecheap account

How to add a DKIM record for a domain in Namecheap account

In this how-to, you’ll learn how you can add a DKIM record for your domain via Namecheap account panel. If your domain is pointed to Namecheap hosting, you can add the host records in cPanel as described in this knowledgebase…

How to add an A record for a domain name in Namecheap account

How to add an A record for a domain name in Namecheap account

An A record connects a domain to an IP address. It is a way to connect your domain (or subdomain) to the server where your website actually lives. Learn how to easily add an A record for a domain name…